Witness the legendary power of the Star Legions in two thrilling series by Michael G. Thomas: 'The Ten Thousand' and 'The Terran Wars'!
The blockbuster seven-novel series where warriors of the ancient world battle in the far future. This is a science fiction update of the famous story of Xenophon and the Ten thousand mercenaries, where a n army of Greek warriors found themselves trapped inside the heart of the Persian Empire. This retelling combines the political machinations of Heinlein and the military plot of The Anabasis with a lavish dose of starship combat, planetary assault, and colossal battles. You do not need to know the story of Xenophon but if you do, then you are sure to enjoy the twists and turns that are inspired from the struggles of those tired and desperate Ten Thousand soldiers.

They are an unstoppable force of mercenaries from every known Terran planet in the Galaxy. They have little in common, other than their love of wealth and adventure, and a bitter hatred for each other. Known simply as the Black Legion, they will blaze a trail of death and destruction that will be remembered for generations.

The elite mercenaries of the Black Legion have fought their way free of the clutches of the Imperial Fleet, but only at the cost of many warriors and ships. The survivors lead their battered ships out to the fringes of the Empire, but every day that passes gives the Emperor time to mobilise ships and soldiers to bring the final blow against the exhausted mercenaries.

The Eternal Fortress is a vast and impregnable bastion, built to protect the border. It is all that stands between the ships and soldiers of Black Legion, and their path to survival. Yet the Fortress is also a trap, designed to lure and pin an attacker, until superior weaponry can grind the enemy to dust over days of bloody battle.
The brand new series that contines the thrilling military adventures of Xenophon and the heroes of the Ten Thousand. The The Terran Wars is a bloody and brutal follow-up set in the years afer the war to put Cyrus on the Imperial throne. An apocalyptic war looms, and few believe it is a war that can be won. As Terran colonies evacuate, the mighty Laconians stand alone against the merciless Median Empire. They will never surrender, and their new King, Agesilaus, has a scheme that could transform the fortunes of all Terrans. As leader of the most powerful of the Terran states, he plans the unthinkable. Inspired by the valour and adventures of the infamous Ten Thousand mercenaries, he launches a pre-emptive strike against the Empire.

Agesilaus and his twin sister, the warrior princess Kyniska will lead the attack and they will not stop until their enemies are brought to their knees. Little do they know that the God King and his trusted warlords are mustering powerful legions from deep inside the Empire. Soon thousands of Median foot soldiers, hordes of monstrous Taochi warriors, and even large numbers of deadly fighting machines from the Robotic Domains are preparing for war. As the Terrans launch their battle of liberation, the God King puts his own deadly plan into action.

King Agesilaus and his Terran Legions have won their first victory against the Median Empire. Despite sustaining heavy casualties, they established a vital foothold in enemy territory. Yet the Empire is far from defeated, and they begin to ready their forces for a counterattack. In a display of overwhelming power, they throw fleets of ships and armies of levies and mercenaries against the Terrans. The outcome is uncertain, until Agesilaus and his generals uncover a stunning secret

Imperial forces launch a brutal assault against the Terran leadership at Krysokeras, leaving behind a trail of bodies and devastation. The callous brutality stuns the Terrans and guarantees there can be no peace with the Empire. Even worse, there are rumours that the Imperial Satrap Tissaphernes is forming an alliance with numerous warlords. The alliance is massing a gigantic fleet of levied soldiers and mercenaries to wipe out the Terran forces of King Agesilaus.

When contact is lost with the newly conquered worlds in the Kerme Nebula the worst is assumed. King Agesilaus sends Xenophon and Princess Kyniska with an elite force of Terrans, mercenaries and volunteers to secure the region from the clutches of the Empire. But what they find in the Nebula is the stuff of nightmares.