Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Soundtrack – Review

What a great soundtrack. I’ve listened to it three or four times now, plus during two visits to the cinema to see the film. It’s unique, and matches the war film style of the movie perfectly without just sounding like a Star War knockoff. At the same time it keeps a few themes and tones from William’s work, without sounding like another Star Wars Episode soundtrack. This film runs apart from the main episode sequence in both visual and audio style, and it works. In many ways I think this surpasses Williams’ soundtrack for Force Awakens. The fact this was composed in just over a month is a testament to the talent of Michael Giacchino. The man is clearly a man of his time, and continues to put outstanding soundtracks together every year. Star Trek, Super Eight, Rogue One and Jurassic World are all exceptional pieces of music.

If you only heard it when watching the film, load up Spotify and listen again! On a secondary note…I think my arrival at work theme should be Giacchino’s The Imperial Suite 🙂


Particular high points are:
10 – Krennic’s Aspirations (new material, mixed with classic Williams)
11 Rebellions are built on hope
18 – Hope
20 – The Imperial Suite
21 – Guardians of the Whills Suite

A soundtrack that at first feels distant from Star Wars, and then establishes itself with a new, gritty sound that matches Rogue One perfectly.


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