Okay then, Space Mutiny it is. You understand that I watch these films just for you? This awful film originated in South Africa, and while not being Manos – The Hands of Fate bad, it is still pretty grim. The plot follows a…Space Mutiny aboard a ship that seems to be just travelling through space for the sake of it. When a mutiny breaks out we get a budget knockoff of Kurt Russell, lots of ground combat and a bowling floor cleaning car chase at the end.
That’s not the worst part though. There’s a long disco number in the middle, loads of silly costumes, and worst of all. All exterior shots are stolen footage from Battlestar Galactica from ’78. The music, effects and set are all terrible, resulting in a film that is a lot of fun to watch, if for just the laughable deaths, cackling villains and bizarre dance numbers.
If you don’t believe me, check out the still below, and the trailer on YouTube!
1/5 and that’s being generous!