The great empires lay broken, creating opportunities for warlords throughout the galaxy. It is a time of mercenaries, freebooters and the great heroes of old. As violence flares, great heroes of the past like Spartan, Gun, General Makos and Admiral Anderson are brought back to maintain order


The great empires lay broken, creating opportunities for warlords throughout the galaxy. It is a time of mercenaries, freebooters and the great heroes of old. As violence flares, great heroes of the past like Spartan, Gun, General Makos and Admiral Anderson are brought back to maintain order. With so much conflict it is impossible for the Navy or Marine Corps to do this alone. and now only the combined efforts of the military and the growing numbers of mercenaries and freebooters can have any chance at keeping the peace between the great empires. This thrilling period is described in detail in the epic Star Crusades: Mercenaries series.

Spartan is a living legend, a veteran of the Alliance Marine Corps, victor of a multitude of military campaigns including the horrific Biomech War. He is both loved and reviled by friend and foe alike, and now lives out on the fringes of the Alliance.

Spartan assembles the newly christened IAB for their deadliest mission yet. A journey across the stars to face this ancient vessel that dwarfs even a fully assembled warfleet. Waiting deep inside this vast derelict lies an alien intelligence, one that can be traced back to a civilisation long forgotten.

A new conflict is growing, and it will soon escalate into all-out war. A war that will engulf the colonies of a hundred worlds and could spread to the fragile Alliance. Massive fleets of ships engage in battle, and conflict rages far below on the disputed worlds of the Tenth Quadrant.

Karnak is a battleground, a planet torn apart by a dozen warring factions. Spartan and his small band of mercenaries and militia have won battle after battle. Now they must prepare for their final test, an assault on the heavily defended enemy capital, Montu.

The war rages on, with no sign of victory for either side. Spartan and his loyalist soldiers win battle after battle against the Star Empire, but they are losing the war against this new and invigorated foe.

Legendary war hero Spartan returns in the sixth thrilling ‘Mercenaries’ novel. As his forces return from the violent horrors of Karnak, they find themselves behind enemy lines. Spartan is trapped, yet the enemy sends vast armadas to the border of the Alliance.