The brand new, free to play tabletop game is here! After lots of suggestions from my fans, I’m pleased to announce a brand new game, and it’s going to be completely free for the readers of my books. The rule books will be free to download, while the models will be free to print on your own 3D printer. I will also ensure that you can order them ready printed if you lack your own printer. Using the detailed backstory, history and artwork from Star Legions, I am creating a high-quality table top spaceship battle game. The game uses large scale miniatures, with battleships reaching an impressive 8 inches in length. There will be cruisers
, frigates and other classes as the system develops. Please stop by and visit the official Facebook page, say hi, and post your thoughts on the new project. I will consider all your suggestions, and the crazier the better!
Star Legions began as a science fiction update of the famous Ancient Greek story of Xenophon and the Ten thousand mercenaries. I wanted to create a rich and exciting story inspired by the political machinations of Heinlein and the military plot of The Anabasis. Though others have used ancient tales as the basis for some great science-fiction novels, I believe this is the first time the story has been simply transplan
ted into a fictional futuristic setting, without altering totally from the original. I have retained the locations, races and characters as much as possible while adding additional elements that I hope add to the story. You do not need to know the story of Xenophon but if you do, then you are sure to enjoy the twists and turns that are inspired from the struggles of those tired and desperate Ten Thousand soldiers. Star Legions: The Terran Wars continues this grand tale with a whole new adventure, and was released in Dec 2017, with more books to follow.
From the 31st May 2018 you will be able to download the Public Release Version 1 of the rules. This will be the first version of the game and designed to get you started in the world of Star legions. Your feedback will be critical in adjusting and improving the game ready for its final release (still free) later in the year. The free to play rulebook contains everything you need to get started with your table-stop Star Legions battles. New versions will be published as the rules are improved and enhanced over time. Final Release V1 will include all changes and fixes, as well as add significant new features, including mega class warships, carrier, fighters and more.
The best part of Star Legions is that the models are all free. Wait, what? That’s right. I am giving away the models to you completely for free for personal use only. Simply pop along to Thingiverse from the 31st May and download the STL files. Print as many as you want and get started gaming. If you don’t have a printer then choose one of the online services that will print them for you. I am also selling a small quantity of printed miniatures at eBay from my personal collection.