Black Widows: Defiance: The Complete First Season is out!

BLACK WIDOWS: DEFIANCE IS OUT! Black Widows: Defiance is a thrilling science fiction novel about the infamous all-female mercenary unit, and includes the complete first season of six Black Widows episodes. Aboard their heavily-armed ship Medusa, the Widows embark on secretive missions throughout the crumbling Confederacy as it wages a terrible and bloody civil war.

The lives of Syala and her twin sister Arana change forever on the day the slavers hit their new home on the Skylla Research Facility. It is a day that started like any other, before turning into a terrifying massacre as soldiers and hideous creatures swarm through the facility killing or enslaving anyone that stands in their way. Continue reading

Black Widows: Episode 6 is out!

BLACK WIDOWS: EPISODE 6 IS OUT! Syala and the Black Widows are heading home to the infamous haven for mercenaries, traders, criminals, and cutthroats from a dozen worlds. To Syala it is a chance to follow a lead on her missing sister, but to the Widows it’s their home, and a place to rest and resupply for their next mission. This heavily defended installation is the Alpha Three facility, known colloquially as The Anchorage. Continue reading

Black Widows: Episode 5 is out!

BLACK WIDOWS: EPISODE 5 IS OUT! Syala and her new-found comrades are heading to the infamous Alpha Three Anchorage when their faithful ship Medusa finally succumbs to her wounds. With few options left, they are forced to seek refuge and assistance at the most unlikely place, the Ángel Salvage Facility on the planet of Euryale. It isn’t long before Syala discovers that Carlos Ángel, the enigmatic owner of the facility has many dangerous new friends. Continue reading


STAR CRUSADER: SIEGE OF KALAR. Nate and his friends in Ironclad Squadron are returning to the fleet when they detect a mysterious signal. Sensing a trap, Colonel Gun sends Nate out alone in his captured fighter to scout the source. The signal is emitting from inside the heart of the abandoned Kalar Anchorage. This massive facility was once the Byotai Empire’s greatest shipyard, but now it lies cold and lifeless. Or does it? Upon arrival Nate runs headlong into the centre of a fierce battle. On one side are the numerous forces of the insidious Orion Interstellar Empire. On the other, the powerful attack cruisers of the Byotai outlaw, Warlord Katanga.

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