Ah…where to begin. Well, did I like it? Yes. Did I love it? No. If you want to know more, read on!
I love the original trilogy and despise the prequels. The basic story in Episodes II-III is solid enough, but the execution is dire from start to end. Episode I has no merit of any kind, and can be entirely skipped for no loss to any of the series. Now, jumping back to this millennium and we get the new trilogy, kicked started by The Force Awakens. I had issues with parts of TFA, but overall I enjoyed the film and the new starting point. The heroes of old are still here, with Leia doing her big leading the military of the resistance. Han is up to his old tricks, and Luke has exiled himself after some great debacle that makes him lose his students, and his nephew. The Republic loses its capital and its fleet, and the First Order are about to begin their campaign to rule the galaxy. The first time we meet Kylo, he’s tough, powerful and merciless. Later we see him for the conflicted young man that he really is.