Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) – Review

Warning, review containers spoilers. Rogue One is the first in a presumably long series of new stand-alone films in the Star Wars Universe. Next up will be a film concerning the origins of Solo, and after that it could be Fett, Yoda or simply anything else. Rogue One (also called Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) is set after the barely tolerable Revenge of the Sith, and immediately before Star Wars, itself renamed to Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope in 1981, during its rerelease after Empire Strikes Back. The director, Gareth Edwards manages to pull off a film that is darker and grimmer than anything seen since Empire, and manages to combine the latest CGI along with all the charm of the 70s original. It’s a difficult thing to do, but Edwards puts in the effort and pulls it off.Continue reading

Black Widows: Episode 5 is out!

BLACK WIDOWS: EPISODE 5 IS OUT! Syala and her new-found comrades are heading to the infamous Alpha Three Anchorage when their faithful ship Medusa finally succumbs to her wounds. With few options left, they are forced to seek refuge and assistance at the most unlikely place, the Ángel Salvage Facility on the planet of Euryale. It isn’t long before Syala discovers that Carlos Ángel, the enigmatic owner of the facility has many dangerous new friends. Continue reading

Westworld 2016 Review

What an outstanding television production. In my opinion this is the stand out show of the year. Westworld is one of those unusual programmes that actually surpasses the original in every possible way. I actually rewatched the ‘90s feature film several days ago and the two could not be further apart. While a great original story, there is little sophistication to the original, with most of the screen time spend giving nods to earlier films, especially westerns. I suspect much of this will be wasted on a modern audience.Continue reading

The Byotai Navy

I’ve been working on the background and designs for the Byotai Navy for use in thelatest Star Crusader books, as well as for the covers of related series. Here’s a little of the background as well as images of the many ships used. For more information visit the Byotai page on this website.

The latest novel in my Star Crusader series features several epic space battle but until today you’ve only seen images of a single ship. Battleship Furiosa features prominently on the cover of the book bearing her name. But what of the rest of the fleet? In the last few days I’ve started to upgrade my website with images of every ship in the Star Crusades universe. First up are the Byotai, and their powerful fleet. I will add more images and specific technical data such as dimensions, crew and weapons over the next week or so. The fleet of today combines elements of the old fleet along with the latest post Narau treaty vessels.Continue reading


STAR CRUSADER: SIEGE OF KALAR. Nate and his friends in Ironclad Squadron are returning to the fleet when they detect a mysterious signal. Sensing a trap, Colonel Gun sends Nate out alone in his captured fighter to scout the source. The signal is emitting from inside the heart of the abandoned Kalar Anchorage. This massive facility was once the Byotai Empire’s greatest shipyard, but now it lies cold and lifeless. Or does it? Upon arrival Nate runs headlong into the centre of a fierce battle. On one side are the numerous forces of the insidious Orion Interstellar Empire. On the other, the powerful attack cruisers of the Byotai outlaw, Warlord Katanga.

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LAST LIFE IS OUT! Noah Cage is a cybernetic supersoldier, a war hero and a man on his fifth and final life. He’s a Lifer, an enhanced warrior. Repaired, rebuilt and improved after four lifetimes of soldiering. With each death comes further modification and enhancement, although at the loss of yet another piece of his dwindling humanity. Cage is thrust into the debacle of the Third Martian War. One that sees every man in his unit killed, including his best friend Rob Romero. After long years of imprisonment, he returns home to Earth, but it is not what it once was. The planet is slowly decaying after decades of mismanagement and corruption. He wants nothing more than to speak with Rose Romero, the widow of his best friend. Instead, he receives a hostile welcome and quickly falls foul of the law.

Last Life is the first book in the brand new military science fiction series set in the warring colonies of the Solar System. The series is a collaboration between acclaimed science fiction author Michael G. Thomas and bestselling military fiction author Eric Meyer.


Star Crusaders battle fleet victorious cover 1.4STAR CRUSADER BOOK 5 IS OUT! Nate and his friends undertake their greatest adventure yet, when their squadron joins BATTLE FLEET VICTORIOUS on a top-secret mission. The elite group of powerful ships makes up the fastest and deadliest Battle Fleet in the entire Alliance. They are heading deep behind enemy lines, to where the Star Empire has located an ancient and deadly weapon. One that would give them the means to defeat the Alliance in a single overwhelming battle.

As the pilots of Ironclad Squadron arrive on board the massive assault carrier, Nate discovers this is no conventional military force. Their commander is the infamous Colonel Gun, and the assault teams will be led by no other than Major Spartan, the Alliance’s greatest warrior. Nate must leave the safety of the simulator videogame, and use his skills to prepare the fleet’s rookie pilots to provide fighter cover for the entire mission. This is Nate’s greatest challenge, and the fate of the fleet, and the entire Alliance lies in his hands.


Mercenaries Book 5!

War Zone – Star Crusades: Mercenaries book 5 is out! The war rages on, with no sign of victory for either side. Spartan takes his mercenaries, and what remains of the militias, deep underground. There they fight a desperate subterranean war, trading lives for time before reinforcements can arrive. Spartan needs help, and only one man can help him achieve final victory.

Out today at Amazon, with other formats due to follow in the next few days.



We are just a week away from the release of the 5th and final Star Crusades Mercenaries novel. To celebrate, I’m pleased to announce the release of the first trilogy, that includes the complete text of the novels Lords of War, Ghost Soldiers and Flames of War. There’s never been better time to experience the dark times after the Great Biomech War! Make sure you never miss offers like this and sign up for my newsletter.

What’s Next?
Star Crusader book 5 is well underway, and this will be a cross-over story that will see characters from the Mercenaries story-line play a part. Ever wondered what would happen if Spartan and Khan appeared in the middle of a battle that Nate is involved in? Well, soon you will!

The Future
I have two more projects lined up for the Summer. The first of these is the continuation of the Spartan story in a whole new plotline. This will be a fixed length series of five books that I’m sure you’ll love. I also have a collaborative military science fiction story set on Mars that will be worked on with renowned military author, Eric Meyer.


The fourth novel

Battle for Karnak (Star Crusades Mercenaries book 4) is out! Spartan and Khan are back doing what they do best, gratuitous violence on an epic scale! Karnak is a battleground, a planet torn apart by a dozen warring factions. Spartan and his small band of mercenaries and militia have won battle after battle. Now they must prepare for their final test, an assault on the heavily defended enemy capital, Montu. The plan is torn apart when a huge fleet of reinforcements appears. A fleet that threatens to overwhelm the valiant rebels.