Guardians of the Galaxy 2 2017 – Review

I saw both Guardians of Galaxy films at the cinema, and on both occasions have felt more than a little underwhelmed. I kept hearing that the first was the new Star Wars, and upon seeing it though much the same as I did about Iron Man 2. It was entertaining, but ultimately disappointing. After repeated viewings the first films has grown on me, and though by now means Star Wars, it is definitely a solid film, and worthy of rewatching. The same cannot be said of Vol.2.

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Legendary war hero Spartan returns in the sixth thrilling ‘Mercenaries’ novel. As his forces return from the violent horrors of Karnak, they find themselves behind enemy lines. Spartan is trapped, yet the enemy sends vast armadas to the border of the Alliance. There will be no invasion, only a single cataclysmic naval engagement that will decide the fate of billions.Continue reading

Alien: Covenant 2017 – Review

I finally took the plunge, and watched the latest prequel to my favourite film. The film has some of the best cinematography of the series, and the music follows the theme of the original, so that’s good too. As for chronology, the film fits between Prometheus and Alien, and continues to pointlessly expand on the mythology that never existed, while providing next to no answers. Ultimately making the film nice to look at, and utterly unsatisfying.

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Soldiers of Tomorrow: The Winter War is out!

New York is free of Reich control, and the flames of resistance spread throughout the Eastern states. Yet all is not well for the growing band of rebels. The Reich may be bloodied, but it is far from defeated. Nothing, not even the worst snow storm in a generation will stop them from mobilising for an overwhelming offensive. Once they are ready they will smash the rebels with a single decisive blow.Continue reading


Soldiers of Tomorrow: Iron Legions is out!

** 99c/99p for opening week only! **

The Nazis won the war, but peace in the twenty-first century is proving much harder to keep. It’s twenty years since the failed British Mutiny left London a burnt-out husk. A reminder of the new world order that covers most of the globe. Yet even in this dark time there are rumours of growing resistance movements deep inside North America. The patriotic freedom fighters of New York City have the willpower to succeed, but what can they do against the unending numbers of Reich soldiers that occupy their defeated nation, and their monstrous walking machines of war, known as Landships?Continue reading


STAR CRUSADER BOOK 7 IS OUT! It is a dark time for the Alliance, with their forces scattered before the advancing legions of the unstoppable Star Empire. Further disastrous news arrives that General Makos and his loyal Byotai warriors have been utterly routed in battle, leaving the Alliance no option but to fall back to Helios.

Nate returns home with Battlefleet Victorious, only to find the entire Alliance fleet gathered to give battle. Admiral Churchill has assembled many squadrons of cruisers, destroyers and battleships for the inevitable arrival of their undefeated foe. Princeps Tahkeome and his grand fleet is just days away, and soon he will arrive at Helios, the gateway to the Alliance and beyond.Continue reading

Five Free Books!

Download five of my bestselling books completely for free. Get the first novel from five different series including Hero of the Alliance, Siege of Titan, Legions of Orion, Lords of War and Battle for Cilicia for absolutely nothing!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Soundtrack – Review

What a great soundtrack. I’ve listened to it three or four times now, plus during two visits to the cinema to see the film. It’s unique, and matches the war film style of the movie perfectly without just sounding like a Star War knockoff. At the same time it keeps a few themes and tones from William’s work, without sounding like another Star Wars Episode soundtrack. This film runs apart from the main episode sequence in both visual and audio style, and it works. In many ways I think this surpasses Williams’ soundtrack for Force Awakens. The fact this was composed in just over a month is a testament to the talent of Michael Giacchino. The man is clearly a man of his time, and continues to put outstanding soundtracks together every year. Star Trek, Super Eight, Rogue One and Jurassic World are all exceptional pieces of music.

If you only heard it when watching the film, load up Spotify and listen again! On a secondary note…I think my arrival at work theme should be Giacchino’s The Imperial Suite 🙂


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Black Widows: Defiance: The Complete First Season is out!

BLACK WIDOWS: DEFIANCE IS OUT! Black Widows: Defiance is a thrilling science fiction novel about the infamous all-female mercenary unit, and includes the complete first season of six Black Widows episodes. Aboard their heavily-armed ship Medusa, the Widows embark on secretive missions throughout the crumbling Confederacy as it wages a terrible and bloody civil war.

The lives of Syala and her twin sister Arana change forever on the day the slavers hit their new home on the Skylla Research Facility. It is a day that started like any other, before turning into a terrifying massacre as soldiers and hideous creatures swarm through the facility killing or enslaving anyone that stands in their way. Continue reading

Black Widows: Episode 6 is out!

BLACK WIDOWS: EPISODE 6 IS OUT! Syala and the Black Widows are heading home to the infamous haven for mercenaries, traders, criminals, and cutthroats from a dozen worlds. To Syala it is a chance to follow a lead on her missing sister, but to the Widows it’s their home, and a place to rest and resupply for their next mission. This heavily defended installation is the Alpha Three facility, known colloquially as The Anchorage. Continue reading